26 April 2013

Toying with small stuff.

I've been playing with my wooden chess board lately. :-) Here's a link to some pics of it:
Please take a look and let me know what you think of it.

21 April 2013

Enough with the 'tips on safety'!

I find this very annoying. You hear a big news about a crime against women and Facebook is filled with status updates trying to spread word about how women can be more careful when travelling alone at night. They often mention that some "experts" say that women should lookout for this and that, and when faced with blah should try to do blah, or something else. 

02 March 2013

Turn it Off, Please!

I normally don't like to muck about when I want to really say something, so I'll get to the point right away:
Please! Please, turn off all sounds on your mobile phones at your workplace.

20 January 2013

'Wilderness exploring' last weekend.

I tried camping, as in complete with tents and sleeping bags, for the very first time last weekend. It was a very good learning experience for me, which is the main reason I am writing this post. 
If you are only interested in the photos from the trip, click here to go straight to my Picasa web albums. If you care for the rest of the story, read on.