11 November 2018

Meaning in life?

I've been reading lots of articles on the web lately. Most of them through pocket.com. When I finish one, I see links to several more and then go on to read some of them. Hours of timepass, if you know what I mean.

One of these articles was about meaning in life. I lost the link, so I can't post it here. More specifically it was about how to find meaning and how the 'finding' aspect might be easier than we think. I did not agree with most of it.
What is this meaning anyway? There are plenty of definitions: take your pick from the hundreds around. Seems like there's one for everyone, with minute variations. But largely it goes like this:
1. I want meaning and purpose in my life.
2. I don't have it already, and I'm unlikely to discover it in things that already fill my life.
3. It has to be novel, unique, in other words "cool" or "cooler than most", or else why even bother.
4. There is probably one single, silver bullet-like thing that will fill my life with meaning and I will then live happily ever after.
5. I'm jealous of most of my friends and acquantainces who seem to all do very cool stuff, like yoga or painting, and can't stop raving about them. Some are shameless enough to pretend to be humble about these endeavours. 
6. If I'm going to find meaning in my current job, I must be absolutely passionate about it. Or I need to switch and find one with that much meaning and passion. With that I will probably solve the problem forever and never worry about my life being unfulfilling or meaningless again. 
... and the list goes on. You get the idea.

Don't admit, but most of us can identify with the list I just put up. We are all more alike than we care to admit. 
My point is that instead of chasing this elusive thing, either secretly or openly, we would all be much better off just dropping it altogether. Be honest with yourself: do you really find your job meaningless, or have you forced yourself into believing so because everyone else thinks your kind of job can't have meaning? Did you just pick a hobby, any hobby, just to fill that void, or do you really enjoy it and want to keep at it? Are you working too hard at your friendships, etc just to work 'meaning' into them, or do you really enjoy the company and your friends really are worth your time and energy? 
I suggest we take another look at these aspects of our lives and be honest about how we feel about them. That would be a start.
The next step, for me anyway, is to identify something that I truly enjoy and find fulfilling, and then do it in secret. Don't do it for facebook likes, or for bragging about it when friends get together. Don't tell anyone if you can. Just go to it regularly and enjoy the peace and 'meaning'. I have a feeling that by keeping it a secret from everyone else, we eliminate the temptation or pressure to sound 'cool', and that keeps us honest about it. 
I already have a couple of ideas in mind and I'll start with something soon. I hope to stay honest about enjoying and finding meaning in it. Wish me luck! ;-)

Thanks for reading my rant.


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